Update and Redux: C – Why are most things homemade better than store bought? Because it’s fresh and you know what’s in it. This homemade mustard is way better than the store bought kind. Perks up just about any sandwich.
C – I don’t think I will ever buy mustard again.
It was so easy to make … as long as you are not in a rush or in desperate need for mustard. I mean IMMEDIATE need for mustard. Otherwise, it’s really easy. Luke started to show me the way, but something happened. I forgot to soak the mustard seeds like he requested. It was an off day for me. He wanted to check things off of our long to do list, and didn’t want to wait another day for the seeds to be done. So he decided to heat up the mustard seeds to expand them and get them tender.
Even the pros mess up. It was a mistake. Not a big mistake, but we ended up throwing it away and started all over again. Something just wasn’t quite right with it. It tasted funny. There wasn’t a bite to it like I was used to. Jim thought the seeds were old.
I had to do some research to see what went wrong with Luke’s homemade mustard. Jim guess at it being old mustard seeds didn’t seem right to me. It turns out heating mustard seeds releases tannins and causes mustard to taste funny and making it taste old.
I babied the second attempt at making this. Watching the mustard seeds as they expanded in the bottles I placed them in. No tannins were going to be invading on my watch. The second attempt was much better. I did get a little dizzy from the alcohol. I wasn’t mindful enough to remember to reduce the wine to get the alcohol out before adding it to the mustard. Luckily, only small amounts were consumed.
This mustard was great. All the qualities you would expect in a fancy mustard. A spicy, creamy and hot mustard that goes well with burgers, sausages, corned beef and other meat.

Homemade Mustard |
- 1 cup brown mustard seeds
- 1 cup yellow mustard seed
- 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- 2 Tbsp. white wine
- 2 Tbsp. brown sugar
- ½ tsp ground cumin
- Pinch of salt
- Soak brown and yellow mustard seeds in a bowl with cold water. Filling the bowl with twice the amount of water as seeds. Let soak covered for 24 hours.
- Drain seeds and add to a blender.
- Add apple cider vinegar, white wine and brown sugar to the blender and blender until pureed.
- Add cumin and a pinch of salt. Combine.
- Taste and adjust as needed.
- Let sit overnight in the refrigerator before using.
- Serve.
- Enjoy!
Jim loves it! He says he won’t be buying any more mustard. He’s such a mustard snob. I am so glad he liked it. Just remember to have lots of mustard seeds on hand when we need to make this recipe. And, give me at least two days notice before needing some, OK Jim?
Glad you liked it. Can’t wait to make more.